Global information
- Generated on Mon Dec 11 00:50:04 2023
- Log file: /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log
- Parsed 35,290 log entries in 2s
- Log start from 2023-12-10 00:04:49 to 2023-12-10 23:55:35
Global Stats
- 213 Number of unique normalized queries
- 11,577 Number of queries
- 1h9m41s Total query duration
- 2023-12-10 00:04:49 First query
- 2023-12-10 23:55:35 Last query
- 19 queries/s at 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Query peak
- 1h9m41s Total query duration
- 0ms Prepare/parse total duration
- 0ms Bind total duration
- 1h9m41s Execute total duration
- 1,924 Number of events
- 3 Number of unique normalized events
- 1,001 Max number of times the same event was reported
- 0 Number of cancellation
- 0 Total number of automatic vacuums
- 0 Total number of automatic analyzes
- 0 Number temporary file
- 0 Max size of temporary file
- 0.00 B Average size of temporary file
- 0 Total number of sessions
- 0 sessions at Session peak
- 0ms Total duration of sessions
- 0ms Average duration of sessions
- 11,577 Average queries per session
- 1h9m41s Average queries duration per session
- n/a Average idle time per session
- 0 Total number of connections
- 1 Total number of databases
SQL Traffic
Key values
- 19 queries/s Query Peak
- 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Date
SELECT Traffic
Key values
- 19 queries/s Query Peak
- 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Date
Key values
- 8 queries/s Query Peak
- 2023-12-10 17:43:59 Date
Queries duration
Key values
- 1h9m41s Total query duration
Prepared queries ratio
Key values
- 0.00 Ratio of bind vs prepare
- 0.00 % Ratio between prepared and "usual" statements
General Activity
Day Hour Count Min duration Max duration Avg duration Latency Percentile(90) Latency Percentile(95) Latency Percentile(99) Dec 10 00 510 0ms 394ms 300ms 6s78ms 6s457ms 7s590ms 01 137 0ms 409ms 296ms 6s353ms 7s199ms 7s199ms 02 53 0ms 355ms 231ms 2s633ms 4s860ms 4s860ms 03 70 0ms 12s772ms 722ms 11s937ms 26s900ms 26s900ms 04 41 0ms 356ms 236ms 2s423ms 4s805ms 4s805ms 05 28 0ms 309ms 225ms 2s262ms 2s294ms 2s294ms 06 227 0ms 33s100ms 686ms 39s116ms 46s397ms 46s397ms 07 117 0ms 12s646ms 556ms 5s900ms 12s204ms 30s792ms 08 542 120ms 48s520ms 391ms 5s447ms 5s507ms 57s67ms 09 642 0ms 3m47s 1s321ms 59s235ms 1m29s 4m34s 10 1,908 0ms 4s6ms 215ms 17s517ms 19s395ms 23s761ms 11 2,056 0ms 1s175ms 215ms 19s467ms 22s679ms 25s817ms 12 199 0ms 5s788ms 326ms 7s280ms 13s932ms 13s932ms 13 112 0ms 679ms 300ms 5s512ms 13s899ms 13s899ms 14 181 0ms 3s808ms 474ms 5s407ms 16s260ms 18s857ms 15 687 0ms 4s774ms 463ms 13s536ms 15s831ms 19s566ms 16 76 0ms 324ms 232ms 2s592ms 2s677ms 3s507ms 17 912 120ms 6s884ms 340ms 9s630ms 10s789ms 14s980ms 18 945 0ms 1s162ms 306ms 8s915ms 9s906ms 22s393ms 19 295 0ms 396ms 289ms 6s892ms 7s840ms 8s268ms 20 314 0ms 408ms 279ms 7s803ms 8s468ms 9s56ms 21 464 0ms 406ms 297ms 8s203ms 10s36ms 10s998ms 22 440 0ms 381ms 291ms 6s807ms 8s239ms 9s625ms 23 621 0ms 12s841ms 342ms 8s432ms 10s939ms 28s227ms Day Hour SELECT COPY TO Average Duration Latency Percentile(90) Latency Percentile(95) Latency Percentile(99) Dec 10 00 510 0 300ms 5s461ms 6s78ms 7s590ms 01 137 0 296ms 3s973ms 6s353ms 7s199ms 02 53 0 231ms 1s945ms 2s633ms 4s860ms 03 60 0 140ms 783ms 1s435ms 1s563ms 04 41 0 236ms 1s507ms 2s423ms 4s805ms 05 28 0 225ms 1s759ms 2s262ms 2s294ms 06 208 0 138ms 5s85ms 5s306ms 5s382ms 07 105 0 181ms 1s341ms 1s909ms 3s491ms 08 539 0 295ms 4s619ms 5s186ms 5s745ms 09 550 92 1s321ms 6s406ms 55s74ms 4m30s 10 1,908 0 215ms 11s111ms 17s517ms 20s476ms 11 2,056 0 215ms 15s831ms 19s467ms 25s817ms 12 199 0 326ms 6s946ms 7s280ms 13s932ms 13 102 0 300ms 3s103ms 5s512ms 11s297ms 14 181 0 474ms 3s886ms 5s407ms 18s857ms 15 687 0 463ms 11s737ms 13s536ms 19s566ms 16 76 0 232ms 849ms 2s592ms 3s507ms 17 847 0 334ms 8s222ms 8s961ms 10s551ms 18 912 0 308ms 8s312ms 8s915ms 16s87ms 19 295 0 289ms 5s171ms 6s892ms 8s268ms 20 314 0 279ms 3s525ms 7s803ms 9s56ms 21 464 0 297ms 4s285ms 8s203ms 10s998ms 22 440 0 291ms 4s14ms 6s807ms 9s357ms 23 611 0 278ms 6s945ms 7s799ms 9s851ms Day Hour INSERT UPDATE DELETE COPY FROM Average Duration Latency Percentile(90) Latency Percentile(95) Latency Percentile(99) Dec 10 00 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 01 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 02 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 03 0 0 10 0 4s210ms 0ms 0ms 25s575ms 04 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 05 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 06 0 0 19 0 6s689ms 0ms 28s354ms 41s14ms 07 0 0 12 0 3s839ms 0ms 0ms 11s452ms 08 0 1 2 0 17s653ms 0ms 0ms 450ms 09 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 10 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 11 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 12 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 13 0 10 0 0 306ms 0ms 0ms 2s601ms 14 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 15 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 16 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 17 1 63 1 0 426ms 227ms 680ms 1s638ms 18 0 33 0 0 262ms 0ms 0ms 1s984ms 19 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 20 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 21 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 22 0 0 0 0 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 23 0 0 10 0 4s267ms 0ms 0ms 5s357ms Day Hour Prepare Bind Bind/Prepare Percentage of prepare Dec 10 00 0 0 0.00 0.00% 01 0 0 0.00 0.00% 02 0 0 0.00 0.00% 03 0 0 0.00 0.00% 04 0 0 0.00 0.00% 05 0 0 0.00 0.00% 06 0 0 0.00 0.00% 07 0 0 0.00 0.00% 08 0 0 0.00 0.00% 09 0 0 0.00 0.00% 10 0 0 0.00 0.00% 11 0 0 0.00 0.00% 12 0 0 0.00 0.00% 13 0 0 0.00 0.00% 14 0 0 0.00 0.00% 15 0 0 0.00 0.00% 16 0 0 0.00 0.00% 17 0 0 0.00 0.00% 18 0 0 0.00 0.00% 19 0 0 0.00 0.00% 20 0 0 0.00 0.00% 21 0 0 0.00 0.00% 22 0 0 0.00 0.00% 23 0 0 0.00 0.00% Day Hour Count Average / Second Dec 10 00 0 0.00/s 01 0 0.00/s 02 0 0.00/s 03 0 0.00/s 04 0 0.00/s 05 0 0.00/s 06 0 0.00/s 07 0 0.00/s 08 0 0.00/s 09 0 0.00/s 10 0 0.00/s 11 0 0.00/s 12 0 0.00/s 13 0 0.00/s 14 0 0.00/s 15 0 0.00/s 16 0 0.00/s 17 0 0.00/s 18 0 0.00/s 19 0 0.00/s 20 0 0.00/s 21 0 0.00/s 22 0 0.00/s 23 0 0.00/s Day Hour Count Average Duration Average idle time Dec 10 00 0 0ms 0ms 01 0 0ms 0ms 02 0 0ms 0ms 03 0 0ms 0ms 04 0 0ms 0ms 05 0 0ms 0ms 06 0 0ms 0ms 07 0 0ms 0ms 08 0 0ms 0ms 09 0 0ms 0ms 10 0 0ms 0ms 11 0 0ms 0ms 12 0 0ms 0ms 13 0 0ms 0ms 14 0 0ms 0ms 15 0 0ms 0ms 16 0 0ms 0ms 17 0 0ms 0ms 18 0 0ms 0ms 19 0 0ms 0ms 20 0 0ms 0ms 21 0 0ms 0ms 22 0 0ms 0ms 23 0 0ms 0ms -
Established Connections
Key values
- 0 connections Connection Peak
- Date
Connections per database
Key values
- unknown Main Database
- 0 connections Total
Connections per user
Key values
- unknown Main User
- 0 connections Total
Simultaneous sessions
Key values
- 0 sessions Session Peak
- Date
Histogram of session times
Key values
- duration
Sessions per database
Key values
- unknown Main Database
- 0 sessions Total
Sessions per user
Key values
- unknown Main User
- 0 sessions Total
Sessions per host
Key values
- unknown Main Host
- 0 sessions Total
Checkpoints / Restartpoints
Checkpoints Buffers
Key values
- 0 buffers Checkpoint Peak
- Date
- seconds Highest write time
- seconds Sync time
Checkpoint write buffers (5 minutes period)
Checkpoints Wal files
Key values
- 0 files Wal files usage Peak
- Date
Checkpoint Wal files usage (5 minutes period)
Checkpoints distance
Key values
- 0 Mo Distance Peak
- Date
Checkpoints Activity
Day Hour Written buffers Write time Sync time Total time Dec 10 00 0 0s 0s 0s 01 0 0s 0s 0s 02 0 0s 0s 0s 03 0 0s 0s 0s 04 0 0s 0s 0s 05 0 0s 0s 0s 06 0 0s 0s 0s 07 0 0s 0s 0s 08 0 0s 0s 0s 09 0 0s 0s 0s 10 0 0s 0s 0s 11 0 0s 0s 0s 12 0 0s 0s 0s 13 0 0s 0s 0s 14 0 0s 0s 0s 15 0 0s 0s 0s 16 0 0s 0s 0s 17 0 0s 0s 0s 18 0 0s 0s 0s 19 0 0s 0s 0s 20 0 0s 0s 0s 21 0 0s 0s 0s 22 0 0s 0s 0s 23 0 0s 0s 0s Day Hour Added Removed Recycled Synced files Longest sync Average sync Dec 10 00 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 01 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 02 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 03 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 04 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 05 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 06 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 07 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 08 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 09 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 10 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 11 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 12 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 13 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 14 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 15 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 16 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 17 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 18 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 19 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 20 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 21 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 22 0 0 0 0 0s 0s 23 0 0 0 0 0s 0s Day Hour Count Avg time (sec) Dec 10 00 0 0s 01 0 0s 02 0 0s 03 0 0s 04 0 0s 05 0 0s 06 0 0s 07 0 0s 08 0 0s 09 0 0s 10 0 0s 11 0 0s 12 0 0s 13 0 0s 14 0 0s 15 0 0s 16 0 0s 17 0 0s 18 0 0s 19 0 0s 20 0 0s 21 0 0s 22 0 0s 23 0 0s Day Hour Mean distance Mean estimate Dec 10 00 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 01 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 02 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 03 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 04 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 05 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 06 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 07 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 08 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 09 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 10 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 11 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 12 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 13 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 14 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 15 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 16 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 17 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 18 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 19 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 20 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 21 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 22 0.00 kB 0.00 kB 23 0.00 kB 0.00 kB -
Temporary Files
Size of temporary files
Key values
- 0 Temp Files size Peak
- Date
Size of temporary files (5 minutes period)
Number of temporary files
Key values
- 0 per second Temp Files Peak
- Date
Number of temporary files (5 minutes period)
Temporary Files Activity
Day Hour Count Total size Average size Dec 10 00 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 02 0 0 0 03 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 05 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 07 0 0 0 08 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 -
Vacuums / Analyzes Distribution
Key values
- 0 sec Highest CPU-cost vacuum
Database - Date
- 0 sec Highest CPU-cost analyze
Database - Date
Autovacuum actions (5 minutes period)
Analyzes per table
Key values
- unknown (0) Main table analyzed (database )
- 0 analyzes Total
Vacuums per table
Key values
- unknown (0) Main table vacuumed on database
- 0 vacuums Total
Tuples removed per table
Key values
- unknown (0) Main table with removed tuples on database
- 0 tuples Total removed
Pages removed per table
Key values
- unknown (0) Main table with removed pages on database unknown
- 0 pages Total removed
Autovacuum Activity
Day Hour VACUUMs ANALYZEs Dec 10 00 0 0 01 0 0 02 0 0 03 0 0 04 0 0 05 0 0 06 0 0 07 0 0 08 0 0 09 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 0 16 0 0 17 0 0 18 0 0 19 0 0 20 0 0 21 0 0 22 0 0 23 0 0 - 0 sec Highest CPU-cost vacuum
Locks by types
Key values
- unknown Main Lock Type
- 0 locks Total
Most frequent waiting queries (N)
Rank Count Total time Min time Max time Avg duration Query NO DATASET
Queries that waited the most
Rank Wait time Query NO DATASET
Queries by type
Key values
- 11,323 Total read queries
- 254 Total write queries
Queries by database
Key values
- unknown Main database
- 11,577 Requests
- 1h9m41s (unknown)
- Main time consuming database
Queries by user
Key values
- unknown Main user
- 11,577 Requests
User Request type Count Duration unknown Total 11,577 1h9m41s copy to 92 11m24s delete 54 5m14s insert 1 227ms select 11,323 52m26s update 107 35s498ms Duration by user
Key values
- 1h9m41s (unknown) Main time consuming user
User Request type Count Duration unknown Total 11,577 1h9m41s copy to 92 11m24s delete 54 5m14s insert 1 227ms select 11,323 52m26s update 107 35s498ms Queries by host
Key values
- unknown Main host
- 11,577 Requests
- 1h9m41s (unknown)
- Main time consuming host
Queries by application
Key values
- unknown Main application
- 11,577 Requests
- 1h9m41s (unknown)
- Main time consuming application
Number of cancelled queries
Key values
- 0 per second Cancelled query Peak
- 2023-12-10 17:09:05 Date
Number of cancelled queries (5 minutes period)
Top Queries
Histogram of query times
Key values
- 11,148 100-500ms duration
Slowest individual queries
Rank Duration Query 1 3m47s COPY public.mail_tracking_value (id, field, field_desc, field_type, old_value_integer, old_value_float, old_value_monetary, old_value_char, old_value_text, old_value_datetime, new_value_integer, new_value_float, new_value_monetary, new_value_char, new_value_text, new_value_datetime, mail_message_id, tracking_sequence, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:08:15 ]
2 1m33s COPY public.item_list_line (id, item_demand_plan_id, product_id, selling_branch, product_uom_qty, invoice_date, warehouse_id, method, inventory_vendor_id, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, active, min_product_len_1, min_product_len_2, min_baseline_size, seasonal_period, supercede_product_id, superceded, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, message_main_attachment_id, access_token, ref_id, ref) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:02:55 ]
3 1m26s COPY public.mail_message (id, subject, date, body, parent_id, model, res_id, record_name, message_type, subtype_id, mail_activity_type_id, is_internal, email_from, author_id, no_auto_thread, message_id, reply_to, mail_server_id, moderation_status, moderator_id, email_layout_xmlid, add_sign, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, email_cc, email_bcc, email_to, ks_email_cc_string, ks_email_bcc_string, ks_cc_partners, ks_bcc_partners) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:04:28 ]
4 52s721ms COPY public.website_visitor (id, name, access_token, active, website_id, partner_id, country_id, lang_id, timezone, visit_count, create_date, last_connection_datetime, create_uid, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:11:32 ]
5 48s520ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3718724, 3718725, 3718726, 3718727, 3718728, 3718729, 3718730, 3718731, 3718732, 3718733, 3718734, 3718735, 3718736, 3718737, 3718738, 3718739, 3718740, 3718741, 3718742, 3718743, 3718744, 3718745, 3718746, 3718747, 3718748, 3718749, 3718750, 3718751, 3718752, 3718753, 3718754, 3718755, 3718756, 3718757, 3768469, 3768470, 3770264, 3770265);[ Date: 2023-12-10 08:01:07 ]
6 33s547ms COPY public.website_track (id, visitor_id, page_id, url, visit_datetime, product_id) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:10:39 ]
7 33s100ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3728671, 3728672, 3728673, 3728674, 3728675, 3728676, 3728677, 3728678, 3728679, 3728680, 3728681, 3728682, 3728683, 3728684, 3728685, 3728686, 3728687, 3728688, 3728689, 3728690, 3728691, 3728692, 3728693, 3728694, 3746145, 3746146);[ Date: 2023-12-10 06:02:35 ]
8 23s282ms COPY public.account_move_line (id, move_id, move_name, date, ref, parent_state, journal_id, company_id, company_currency_id, account_id, account_root_id, sequence, name, quantity, price_unit, discount, debit, credit, balance, amount_currency, price_subtotal, price_total, reconciled, blocked, date_maturity, currency_id, partner_id, product_uom_id, product_id, reconcile_model_id, payment_id, statement_line_id, statement_id, tax_line_id, tax_group_id, tax_base_amount, tax_exigible, tax_repartition_line_id, tax_audit, amount_residual, amount_residual_currency, full_reconcile_id, matching_number, analytic_account_id, display_type, is_rounding_line, exclude_from_invoice_tab, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, expected_pay_date, internal_note, next_action_date, followup_line_id, followup_date, is_anglo_saxon_line, purchase_line_id, branch_id, branch_name, vehicle_id, move_options, sign_product_qty, sign_price_subtotal, new_product_qty, sale_line_id, child_sale_line_id, main_invoice_line_id, core_bank_transaction, is_rtv_line, core_qty, rebate_amount, cost_price, is_visible_in_report, is_labour, can_be_paid, bal_core_bank_id, repair_line_id, inv_back_order_qty, sale_back_order_qty, product_pricelist_item_id, is_discount, is_sale_tax, auto_reconcile) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:00:37 ]
9 22s866ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3759670, 3759671, 3759672, 3759673, 3759674, 3759675, 3759676, 3759677, 3759678, 3759679, 3759680, 3759681, 3759682, 3759683, 3759684, 3759685, 3759686, 3759687);[ Date: 2023-12-10 06:01:27 ]
10 20s5ms COPY public.sale_history_line (id, history_data_link, company_id, customer_id, product_id, invoice_id, product_name, name, product_uom_qty, price_unit, cost_price_unit, price_subtotal, cost_subtotal, gross_profit, rebate_amount, rebate_subtotal, invoice_item_no, inventory_product_categ, inventory_part_type, inventory_short_vendor_name, currency_id, core_sales_amount, core_cost_amount, labor_amount, serial_number, labor_flag, note, under_warranty, contact_reference, contact_name, selling_branch, vehicle_unit_no, vehicle_identification_number, vehicle_odometer, customer_reference_no, sales_obtain, sale_order_no, sale_order_date, invoice_number, invoice_date, user_id, exception_sale, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, product_pricelist_item_id, history_id, history_date, history_type, so_line_id, new_user_id, gross_profit_amount, is_shipping, move_options, manufacturing_usage, technician_id, inventory_vendor_id) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:09:35 ]
11 14s358ms COPY public.base_import_import (id, res_model, file, file_name, file_type, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:00:58 ]
12 12s841ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775593, 3775594, 3775595, 3775596, 3775597, 3775598, 3775599, 3775600, 3775601, 3775602);[ Date: 2023-12-10 23:07:39 ]
13 12s772ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775408, 3775409, 3775410, 3775411, 3775412, 3775413, 3775414, 3775415, 3775416, 3775417);[ Date: 2023-12-10 03:06:56 ]
14 12s646ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775438, 3775439, 3775440, 3775441, 3775442, 3775443, 3775444, 3775445, 3775446, 3775447);[ Date: 2023-12-10 07:06:56 ]
15 11s481ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775500, 3775501, 3775502, 3775503, 3775504, 3775505, 3775506, 3775507, 3775508);[ Date: 2023-12-10 06:07:10 ]
16 10s285ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775603, 3775604, 3775605, 3775606, 3775607, 3775608, 3775609, 3775610);[ Date: 2023-12-10 23:19:21 ]
17 10s174ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3770407, 3770408, 3770409, 3770410, 3770411, 3770412, 3770413, 3770414);[ Date: 2023-12-10 06:00:48 ]
18 10s128ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775448, 3775449, 3775450, 3775451, 3775452, 3775453, 3775454, 3775455);[ Date: 2023-12-10 07:18:27 ]
19 10s103ms DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3775418, 3775419, 3775420, 3775421, 3775422, 3775423, 3775424, 3775425);[ Date: 2023-12-10 03:18:26 ]
20 9s874ms COPY public.account_move (id, access_token, message_main_attachment_id, name, date, ref, narration, state, posted_before, move_type, to_check, journal_id, company_id, currency_id, partner_id, commercial_partner_id, is_move_sent, partner_bank_id, payment_reference, payment_id, statement_line_id, amount_untaxed, amount_tax, amount_total, amount_residual, amount_untaxed_signed, amount_tax_signed, amount_total_signed, amount_residual_signed, payment_state, tax_cash_basis_rec_id, tax_cash_basis_move_id, auto_post, reversed_entry_id, fiscal_position_id, invoice_user_id, invoice_date, invoice_date_due, invoice_origin, invoice_payment_term_id, invoice_incoterm_id, qr_code_method, invoice_source_email, invoice_partner_display_name, invoice_cash_rounding_id, secure_sequence_number, inalterable_hash, sequence_prefix, sequence_number, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, payment_state_before_switch, duplicated_vendor_ref, extract_state, extract_status_code, extract_remote_id, transfer_model_id, tax_closing_end_date, tax_report_control_error, asset_id, asset_remaining_value, asset_depreciated_value, asset_manually_modified, asset_value_change, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, team_id, partner_shipping_id, stock_move_id, preferred_payment_method_id, website_id, branch_id, branch_name, invoice_action, sign_amount_total, sign_amount_residual, sign_amount_untaxed, invoice_part_id, invoice_product_qty, balance_entry, to_check_negative, non_inventory_entry, direct_order, warranty_invoice, email_send_eod, email_sent, order_type, carrier_id, release_to_pay, release_to_pay_manual, force_release_to_pay, invoice_origin_new, debit_origin_id, paid_by_vc, payment_details, expense_choice, edi_810_id, cash_tendered, change_amount, sequence_generated, open_invoice, edi_split_lock, edi_billed, is_edi_bill, payment_details_compute, edi_done_date, partner_address_type, from_ar, auto_reconcile) TO stdout;[ Date: 2023-12-10 09:00:14 ]
Time consuming queries (N)
Rank Total duration Times executed Min duration Max duration Avg duration Query 1 26m51s 5,243 298ms 598ms 307ms select "ir_attachment".id from "ir_attachment" where (("ir_attachment"."res_field" is null and (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))) and (not ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))))) order by "ir_attachment"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #1
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 481 2m26s 304ms 01 123 37s385ms 303ms 08 485 2m28s 306ms 09 491 2m31s 308ms 10 433 2m13s 308ms 11 509 2m39s 312ms 12 180 54s719ms 303ms 13 73 22s384ms 306ms 14 6 1s825ms 304ms 15 1 300ms 300ms 17 513 2m37s 306ms 18 681 3m28s 306ms 19 183 56s356ms 307ms 20 134 41s161ms 307ms 21 327 1m40s 308ms 22 286 1m27s 306ms 23 337 1m43s 308ms -
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 598ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-f34fa30/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 553ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:11:29 Duration: 504ms
2 4m26s 27 1s261ms 48s520ms 9s854ms delete from account_move_line where id in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #2
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 5 35s491ms 7s98ms 06 10 1m48s 10s814ms 07 6 38s10ms 6s335ms 08 1 48s520ms 48s520ms 23 5 35s901ms 7s180ms -
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3718724, 3718725, 3718726, 3718727, 3718728, 3718729, 3718730, 3718731, 3718732, 3718733, 3718734, 3718735, 3718736, 3718737, 3718738, 3718739, 3718740, 3718741, 3718742, 3718743, 3718744, 3718745, 3718746, 3718747, 3718748, 3718749, 3718750, 3718751, 3718752, 3718753, 3718754, 3718755, 3718756, 3718757, 3768469, 3768470, 3770264, 3770265);
Date: 2023-12-10 08:01:07 Duration: 48s520ms
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3728671, 3728672, 3728673, 3728674, 3728675, 3728676, 3728677, 3728678, 3728679, 3728680, 3728681, 3728682, 3728683, 3728684, 3728685, 3728686, 3728687, 3728688, 3728689, 3728690, 3728691, 3728692, 3728693, 3728694, 3746145, 3746146);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:02:35 Duration: 33s100ms
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3759670, 3759671, 3759672, 3759673, 3759674, 3759675, 3759676, 3759677, 3759678, 3759679, 3759680, 3759681, 3759682, 3759683, 3759684, 3759685, 3759686, 3759687);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:01:27 Duration: 22s866ms
3 4m4s 870 271ms 387ms 280ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" left join "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" on ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" and "product_template__name"."type" = ? and "product_template__name"."name" = ? and "product_template__name"."lang" = ? and "product_template__name"."value" != ?) where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, coalesce("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") asc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #3
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 6 1s749ms 291ms 14 45 12s430ms 276ms 15 75 20s805ms 277ms 16 15 4s156ms 277ms 17 96 26s796ms 279ms 18 102 28s460ms 279ms 19 81 22s589ms 278ms 20 111 31s229ms 281ms 21 108 30s529ms 282ms 22 108 30s403ms 281ms 23 123 34s865ms 283ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:31:02 Duration: 387ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:45:12 Duration: 337ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:07:47 Duration: 333ms
4 3m47s 1 3m47s 3m47s 3m47s copy public.mail_tracking_value (id, field, field_desc, field_type, old_value_integer, old_value_float, old_value_monetary, old_value_char, old_value_text, old_value_datetime, new_value_integer, new_value_float, new_value_monetary, new_value_char, new_value_text, new_value_datetime, mail_message_id, tracking_sequence, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #4
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 3m47s 3m47s -
COPY public.mail_tracking_value (id, field, field_desc, field_type, old_value_integer, old_value_float, old_value_monetary, old_value_char, old_value_text, old_value_datetime, new_value_integer, new_value_float, new_value_monetary, new_value_char, new_value_text, new_value_datetime, mail_message_id, tracking_sequence, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:08:15 Duration: 3m47s
5 3m9s 871 120ms 356ms 217ms select "bus_bus".id from "bus_bus" where (("bus_bus"."create_date" > ?) and ("bus_bus"."channel" in (...))) order by "bus_bus"."id";Times Reported Time consuming queries #5
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 29 6s368ms 219ms 01 14 3s225ms 230ms 02 53 12s243ms 231ms 03 7 1s563ms 223ms 04 41 9s682ms 236ms 05 28 6s316ms 225ms 06 21 4s747ms 226ms 07 58 12s912ms 222ms 08 44 9s581ms 217ms 09 46 10s22ms 217ms 10 66 13s630ms 206ms 11 37 7s401ms 200ms 12 15 3s488ms 232ms 13 19 4s110ms 216ms 14 43 9s365ms 217ms 15 17 3s920ms 230ms 16 48 10s953ms 228ms 17 36 8s5ms 222ms 18 40 7s794ms 194ms 19 10 2s212ms 221ms 20 61 13s999ms 229ms 21 29 6s593ms 227ms 22 40 8s624ms 215ms 23 69 12s841ms 186ms -
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1017"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",19555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",36]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",41]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",42]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",503]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",515]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",563]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",574]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",19555]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",19555]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 356ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 02:39:39') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1238"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",51507]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",529]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",51507]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",51507]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Duration: 355ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_11"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",14]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",16]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",348]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",349]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",350]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",351]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",352]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",354]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",355]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",356]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",357]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",358]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",362]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",363]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",364]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",365]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",366]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",367]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",368]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",370]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",371]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",372]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",373]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",374]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",375]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",377]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",378]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",379]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",380]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",381]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",382]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",383]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",384]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",385]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",386]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",387]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",388]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",389]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",390]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",391]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",392]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",393]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",394]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",395]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",396]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",397]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",398]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",399]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",400]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",401]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",402]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",403]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",404]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",405]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",406]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",407]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",408]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",409]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",410]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",411]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",412]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",413]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",414]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",415]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",418]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",423]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",426]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",427]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",428]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",429]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",434]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",456]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",462]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",467]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",474]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",477]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",478]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",481]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",486]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",510]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",524]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",538]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",540]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",543]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",544]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",552]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",556]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",564]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",565]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",566]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",579]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",14]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",14]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 352ms
6 2m40s 482 321ms 400ms 332ms select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pt.min_product_uom_qty > ? and pwi.stocking_flag = true and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) <= ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, abs(((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = true and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = true and coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) > ? and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - (coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?))) < ? and pt.discontinued = false and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false;Times Reported Time consuming queries #6
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 1m18s 332ms 11 247 1m22s 333ms -
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:13:21 Duration: 400ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:53:32 Duration: 394ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:46:48 Duration: 385ms
7 1m33s 1 1m33s 1m33s 1m33s copy public.item_list_line (id, item_demand_plan_id, product_id, selling_branch, product_uom_qty, invoice_date, warehouse_id, method, inventory_vendor_id, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, active, min_product_len_1, min_product_len_2, min_baseline_size, seasonal_period, supercede_product_id, superceded, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, message_main_attachment_id, access_token, ref_id, ref) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #7
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 1m33s 1m33s -
COPY public.item_list_line (id, item_demand_plan_id, product_id, selling_branch, product_uom_qty, invoice_date, warehouse_id, method, inventory_vendor_id, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, active, min_product_len_1, min_product_len_2, min_baseline_size, seasonal_period, supercede_product_id, superceded, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, message_main_attachment_id, access_token, ref_id, ref) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:02:55 Duration: 1m33s
8 1m26s 137 602ms 740ms 629ms select product_product.id from "product_product" left join "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" on ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") left join "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" on ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != ?) where ((("product_product"."active" = true) and (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent (?)) or (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent (?))) or unaccent (coalesce("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent (?))) and ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" is not null and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) and (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (...)) or "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" is null) order by product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;Times Reported Time consuming queries #8
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 13 3 1s892ms 630ms 17 102 1m4s 630ms 18 32 20s112ms 628ms -
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%240sfl%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:33:36 Duration: 740ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%6368%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:50:36 Duration: 672ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%4413909%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:02:20 Duration: 671ms
9 1m26s 1 1m26s 1m26s 1m26s copy public.mail_message (id, subject, date, body, parent_id, model, res_id, record_name, message_type, subtype_id, mail_activity_type_id, is_internal, email_from, author_id, no_auto_thread, message_id, reply_to, mail_server_id, moderation_status, moderator_id, email_layout_xmlid, add_sign, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, email_cc, email_bcc, email_to, ks_email_cc_string, ks_email_bcc_string, ks_cc_partners, ks_bcc_partners) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #9
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 1m26s 1m26s -
COPY public.mail_message (id, subject, date, body, parent_id, model, res_id, record_name, message_type, subtype_id, mail_activity_type_id, is_internal, email_from, author_id, no_auto_thread, message_id, reply_to, mail_server_id, moderation_status, moderator_id, email_layout_xmlid, add_sign, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, email_cc, email_bcc, email_to, ks_email_cc_string, ks_email_bcc_string, ks_cc_partners, ks_bcc_partners) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:04:28 Duration: 1m26s
10 1m18s 482 143ms 221ms 161ms select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.lead_days, ?), coalesce(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, ?) as min_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) as max_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) - ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ?;Times Reported Time consuming queries #10
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 38s199ms 162ms 11 247 39s875ms 161ms -
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 38 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3019;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:51:27 Duration: 221ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2994;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:13 Duration: 198ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3046;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:11 Duration: 195ms
11 1m6s 159 324ms 527ms 419ms select ? as period_index, count(distinct account_move_line.account_id) as count_rows, coalesce(sum(round(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...));Times Reported Time consuming queries #11
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 159 1m6s 419ms -
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:17 Duration: 527ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:42:14 Duration: 519ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:48 Duration: 505ms
12 1m5s 482 129ms 176ms 136ms select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > ? and warehouse_id = ? and inventory_vendor_id = ? and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;Times Reported Time consuming queries #12
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 32s277ms 137ms 11 247 33s676ms 136ms -
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:39:26' and warehouse_id = 42 and inventory_vendor_id = 2915 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:39:26 Duration: 176ms
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:58:36' and warehouse_id = 45 and inventory_vendor_id = 2933 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:58:36 Duration: 169ms
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:54:12' and warehouse_id = 43 and inventory_vendor_id = 2982 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:54:12 Duration: 169ms
13 1m3s 482 124ms 164ms 131ms select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > ? and warehouse_id = ? and ((coalesce(qty_available, ?) + coalesce(qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(qty_reserve, ?)) < ? and inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(superceded, false) = false and coalesce(discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(is_core, false) = false;Times Reported Time consuming queries #13
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 30s688ms 130ms 11 247 32s547ms 131ms -
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 42 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 3046 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:39:30 Duration: 164ms
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 35 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 2928 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:09:59 Duration: 162ms
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 46 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 2952 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:07:28 Duration: 154ms
14 56s651ms 447 120ms 192ms 126ms select "product_warehouse_inventory".id from "product_warehouse_inventory" where ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (...)) order by "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";Times Reported Time consuming queries #14
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 206 26s268ms 127ms 11 240 30s218ms 125ms 12 1 164ms 164ms -
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (210133, 210136, 210138, 210139, 210141, 210145, 210146, 210147, 210148, 210149, 210151, 210153, 210155, 210156, 210158, 210159, 210163, 210166, 210168, 210176, 210180, 210183, 210185, 210187, 210188, 210189, 210192, 210193, 210195, 210197, 210198, 210201, 210203, 210204, 210205, 210206, 210207, 210208, 210213, 210214, 210217, 210223, 210225, 210238, 210240, 210243, 210246, 210259, 210263, 210269, 246786, 249528)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:59:06 Duration: 192ms
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (213290, 213281, 213280)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:36:33 Duration: 175ms
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (193209)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:45:12 Duration: 170ms
15 52s721ms 1 52s721ms 52s721ms 52s721ms copy public.website_visitor (id, name, access_token, active, website_id, partner_id, country_id, lang_id, timezone, visit_count, create_date, last_connection_datetime, create_uid, write_uid, write_date) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #15
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 52s721ms 52s721ms -
COPY public.website_visitor (id, name, access_token, active, website_id, partner_id, country_id, lang_id, timezone, visit_count, create_date, last_connection_datetime, create_uid, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:11:32 Duration: 52s721ms
16 47s94ms 106 401ms 697ms 444ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...)) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #16
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 106 47s94ms 444ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-12-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:50:19 Duration: 697ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:37:23 Duration: 542ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-10-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:18:29 Duration: 535ms
17 44s402ms 26 1s314ms 3s990ms 1s707ms delete from account_move where id in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #17
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 5 6s615ms 1s323ms 06 9 18s956ms 2s106ms 07 6 8s65ms 1s344ms 08 1 3s990ms 3s990ms 23 5 6s773ms 1s354ms -
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1055066, 1070771, 1071259);
Date: 2023-12-10 08:01:11 Duration: 3s990ms
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1066459, 1071411);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:06:53 Duration: 2s771ms
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1058572, 1063619);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:02:38 Duration: 2s729ms
18 43s909ms 284 145ms 178ms 154ms select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.product_id not in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #18
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 152 23s500ms 154ms 11 132 20s408ms 154ms -
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2980 and pwi.warehouse_id = 37 and pwi.product_id not in (206509, 206582);
Date: 2023-12-10 11:18:06 Duration: 178ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2980 and pwi.warehouse_id = 42 and pwi.product_id not in (206694, 206638, 206627, 206582, 206561, 206557, 206548, 206534, 206656);
Date: 2023-12-10 10:36:55 Duration: 175ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2985 and pwi.warehouse_id = 44 and pwi.product_id not in (183896);
Date: 2023-12-10 10:49:46 Duration: 174ms
19 33s547ms 1 33s547ms 33s547ms 33s547ms copy public.website_track (id, visitor_id, page_id, url, visit_datetime, product_id) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #19
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 33s547ms 33s547ms -
COPY public.website_track (id, visitor_id, page_id, url, visit_datetime, product_id) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:10:39 Duration: 33s547ms
20 33s43ms 259 120ms 148ms 127ms select "account_move".id from "account_move" where (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (...)) and (("account_move"."id" not in (...)) or "account_move"."id" is null)) order by "account_move"."invoice_date_due";Times Reported Time consuming queries #20
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 33 4s254ms 128ms 06 171 21s694ms 126ms 07 28 3s629ms 129ms 08 7 892ms 127ms 23 20 2s571ms 128ms -
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41386)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1050699)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 07:42:20 Duration: 148ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (38580)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1041270)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 03:06:38 Duration: 147ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41951)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1073006)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 06:00:50 Duration: 143ms
Most frequent queries (N)
Rank Times executed Total duration Min duration Max duration Avg duration Query 1 5,243 26m51s 298ms 598ms 307ms select "ir_attachment".id from "ir_attachment" where (("ir_attachment"."res_field" is null and (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))) and (not ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))))) order by "ir_attachment"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #1
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 481 2m26s 304ms 01 123 37s385ms 303ms 08 485 2m28s 306ms 09 491 2m31s 308ms 10 433 2m13s 308ms 11 509 2m39s 312ms 12 180 54s719ms 303ms 13 73 22s384ms 306ms 14 6 1s825ms 304ms 15 1 300ms 300ms 17 513 2m37s 306ms 18 681 3m28s 306ms 19 183 56s356ms 307ms 20 134 41s161ms 307ms 21 327 1m40s 308ms 22 286 1m27s 306ms 23 337 1m43s 308ms -
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 598ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-f34fa30/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 553ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:11:29 Duration: 504ms
2 871 3m9s 120ms 356ms 217ms select "bus_bus".id from "bus_bus" where (("bus_bus"."create_date" > ?) and ("bus_bus"."channel" in (...))) order by "bus_bus"."id";Times Reported Time consuming queries #2
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 29 6s368ms 219ms 01 14 3s225ms 230ms 02 53 12s243ms 231ms 03 7 1s563ms 223ms 04 41 9s682ms 236ms 05 28 6s316ms 225ms 06 21 4s747ms 226ms 07 58 12s912ms 222ms 08 44 9s581ms 217ms 09 46 10s22ms 217ms 10 66 13s630ms 206ms 11 37 7s401ms 200ms 12 15 3s488ms 232ms 13 19 4s110ms 216ms 14 43 9s365ms 217ms 15 17 3s920ms 230ms 16 48 10s953ms 228ms 17 36 8s5ms 222ms 18 40 7s794ms 194ms 19 10 2s212ms 221ms 20 61 13s999ms 229ms 21 29 6s593ms 227ms 22 40 8s624ms 215ms 23 69 12s841ms 186ms -
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1017"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",19555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",36]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",41]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",42]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",503]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",515]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",563]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",574]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",19555]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",19555]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 356ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 02:39:39') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1238"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",51507]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",529]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",51507]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",51507]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Duration: 355ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_11"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",14]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",16]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",348]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",349]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",350]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",351]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",352]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",354]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",355]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",356]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",357]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",358]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",362]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",363]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",364]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",365]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",366]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",367]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",368]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",370]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",371]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",372]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",373]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",374]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",375]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",377]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",378]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",379]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",380]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",381]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",382]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",383]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",384]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",385]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",386]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",387]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",388]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",389]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",390]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",391]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",392]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",393]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",394]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",395]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",396]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",397]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",398]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",399]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",400]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",401]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",402]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",403]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",404]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",405]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",406]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",407]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",408]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",409]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",410]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",411]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",412]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",413]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",414]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",415]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",418]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",423]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",426]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",427]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",428]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",429]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",434]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",456]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",462]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",467]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",474]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",477]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",478]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",481]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",486]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",510]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",524]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",538]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",540]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",543]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",544]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",552]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",556]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",564]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",565]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",566]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",579]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",14]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",14]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 352ms
3 870 4m4s 271ms 387ms 280ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" left join "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" on ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" and "product_template__name"."type" = ? and "product_template__name"."name" = ? and "product_template__name"."lang" = ? and "product_template__name"."value" != ?) where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, coalesce("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") asc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #3
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 6 1s749ms 291ms 14 45 12s430ms 276ms 15 75 20s805ms 277ms 16 15 4s156ms 277ms 17 96 26s796ms 279ms 18 102 28s460ms 279ms 19 81 22s589ms 278ms 20 111 31s229ms 281ms 21 108 30s529ms 282ms 22 108 30s403ms 281ms 23 123 34s865ms 283ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:31:02 Duration: 387ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:45:12 Duration: 337ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:07:47 Duration: 333ms
4 482 2m40s 321ms 400ms 332ms select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pt.min_product_uom_qty > ? and pwi.stocking_flag = true and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) <= ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, abs(((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = true and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = true and coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) > ? and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - (coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?))) < ? and pt.discontinued = false and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false;Times Reported Time consuming queries #4
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 1m18s 332ms 11 247 1m22s 333ms -
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:13:21 Duration: 400ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:53:32 Duration: 394ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:46:48 Duration: 385ms
5 482 1m18s 143ms 221ms 161ms select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.lead_days, ?), coalesce(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, ?) as min_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) as max_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) - ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ?;Times Reported Time consuming queries #5
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 38s199ms 162ms 11 247 39s875ms 161ms -
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 38 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3019;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:51:27 Duration: 221ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2994;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:13 Duration: 198ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3046;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:11 Duration: 195ms
6 482 1m5s 129ms 176ms 136ms select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > ? and warehouse_id = ? and inventory_vendor_id = ? and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;Times Reported Time consuming queries #6
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 32s277ms 137ms 11 247 33s676ms 136ms -
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:39:26' and warehouse_id = 42 and inventory_vendor_id = 2915 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:39:26 Duration: 176ms
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:58:36' and warehouse_id = 45 and inventory_vendor_id = 2933 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:58:36 Duration: 169ms
select id from product_warehouse_inventory where freeze_date is not null and freeze_date > '2023-12-10 10:54:12' and warehouse_id = 43 and inventory_vendor_id = 2982 and qty_available < min_product_uom_qty;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:54:12 Duration: 169ms
7 482 1m3s 124ms 164ms 131ms select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > ? and warehouse_id = ? and ((coalesce(qty_available, ?) + coalesce(qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(qty_reserve, ?)) < ? and inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(superceded, false) = false and coalesce(discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(is_core, false) = false;Times Reported Time consuming queries #7
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 30s688ms 130ms 11 247 32s547ms 131ms -
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 42 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 3046 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:39:30 Duration: 164ms
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 35 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 2928 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:09:59 Duration: 162ms
select id, qty_reserve, product_id, product_tmpl_id from product_warehouse_inventory where qty_reserve > 0 and warehouse_id = 46 and ((COALESCE(qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and inventory_vendor_id = 2952 and COALESCE(superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(is_core, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:07:28 Duration: 154ms
8 447 56s651ms 120ms 192ms 126ms select "product_warehouse_inventory".id from "product_warehouse_inventory" where ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (...)) order by "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";Times Reported Time consuming queries #8
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 206 26s268ms 127ms 11 240 30s218ms 125ms 12 1 164ms 164ms -
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (210133, 210136, 210138, 210139, 210141, 210145, 210146, 210147, 210148, 210149, 210151, 210153, 210155, 210156, 210158, 210159, 210163, 210166, 210168, 210176, 210180, 210183, 210185, 210187, 210188, 210189, 210192, 210193, 210195, 210197, 210198, 210201, 210203, 210204, 210205, 210206, 210207, 210208, 210213, 210214, 210217, 210223, 210225, 210238, 210240, 210243, 210246, 210259, 210263, 210269, 246786, 249528)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:59:06 Duration: 192ms
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (213290, 213281, 213280)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:36:33 Duration: 175ms
SELECT "product_warehouse_inventory".id FROM "product_warehouse_inventory" WHERE ("product_warehouse_inventory"."product_id" in (193209)) ORDER BY "product_warehouse_inventory"."warehouse_name";
Date: 2023-12-10 10:45:12 Duration: 170ms
9 284 43s909ms 145ms 178ms 154ms select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.product_id not in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #9
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 152 23s500ms 154ms 11 132 20s408ms 154ms -
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2980 and pwi.warehouse_id = 37 and pwi.product_id not in (206509, 206582);
Date: 2023-12-10 11:18:06 Duration: 178ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2980 and pwi.warehouse_id = 42 and pwi.product_id not in (206694, 206638, 206627, 206582, 206561, 206557, 206548, 206534, 206656);
Date: 2023-12-10 10:36:55 Duration: 175ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2985 and pwi.warehouse_id = 44 and pwi.product_id not in (183896);
Date: 2023-12-10 10:49:46 Duration: 174ms
10 259 33s43ms 120ms 148ms 127ms select "account_move".id from "account_move" where (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (...)) and (("account_move"."id" not in (...)) or "account_move"."id" is null)) order by "account_move"."invoice_date_due";Times Reported Time consuming queries #10
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 33 4s254ms 128ms 06 171 21s694ms 126ms 07 28 3s629ms 129ms 08 7 892ms 127ms 23 20 2s571ms 128ms -
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41386)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1050699)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 07:42:20 Duration: 148ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (38580)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1041270)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 03:06:38 Duration: 147ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE (("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41951)) AND (("account_move"."id" not in (1073006)) OR "account_move"."id" IS NULL)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 06:00:50 Duration: 143ms
11 198 29s960ms 145ms 185ms 151ms select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ?;Times Reported Time consuming queries #11
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 83 12s544ms 151ms 11 115 17s415ms 151ms -
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2957 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:47:24 Duration: 185ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3106 and pwi.warehouse_id = 37;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:18:47 Duration: 178ms
select pwi.product_id from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2933 and pwi.warehouse_id = 46;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:07:04 Duration: 176ms
12 159 1m6s 324ms 527ms 419ms select ? as period_index, count(distinct account_move_line.account_id) as count_rows, coalesce(sum(round(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...));Times Reported Time consuming queries #12
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 159 1m6s 419ms -
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:17 Duration: 527ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:42:14 Duration: 519ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:48 Duration: 505ms
13 137 1m26s 602ms 740ms 629ms select product_product.id from "product_product" left join "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" on ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") left join "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" on ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != ?) where ((("product_product"."active" = true) and (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent (?)) or (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent (?))) or unaccent (coalesce("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent (?))) and ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" is not null and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) and (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (...)) or "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" is null) order by product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;Times Reported Time consuming queries #13
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 13 3 1s892ms 630ms 17 102 1m4s 630ms 18 32 20s112ms 628ms -
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%240sfl%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:33:36 Duration: 740ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%6368%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:50:36 Duration: 672ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%4413909%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:02:20 Duration: 671ms
14 106 47s94ms 401ms 697ms 444ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...)) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #14
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 106 47s94ms 444ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-12-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:50:19 Duration: 697ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:37:23 Duration: 542ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-10-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:18:29 Duration: 535ms
15 102 28s445ms 270ms 318ms 278ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" left join "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" on ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" and "product_template__name"."type" = ? and "product_template__name"."name" = ? and "product_template__name"."lang" = ? and "product_template__name"."value" != ?) where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, coalesce("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") desc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #15
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 17 45 12s455ms 276ms 18 3 822ms 274ms 22 3 878ms 292ms 23 51 14s289ms 280ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:14:56 Duration: 318ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:24:14 Duration: 316ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 22:59:29 Duration: 302ms
16 81 32s620ms 324ms 476ms 402ms select ? as period_index, count(distinct account_move_line.account_id) as count_rows, coalesce(sum(round(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...)));Times Reported Time consuming queries #16
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 81 32s620ms 402ms -
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:32:51 Duration: 476ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:21 Duration: 468ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:58 Duration: 462ms
17 75 15s315ms 200ms 249ms 204ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, "product_template"."list_price" desc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #17
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 16 12 2s436ms 203ms 17 21 4s289ms 204ms 18 18 3s655ms 203ms 19 18 3s703ms 205ms 20 6 1s230ms 205ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 19:25:24 Duration: 249ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:49:36 Duration: 224ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:20:02 Duration: 218ms
18 63 8s246ms 120ms 156ms 130ms select "account_move".id from "account_move" where ("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (...)) order by "account_move"."invoice_date_due";Times Reported Time consuming queries #18
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 20 2s634ms 131ms 06 11 1s415ms 128ms 07 19 2s466ms 129ms 08 2 269ms 134ms 23 11 1s461ms 132ms -
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE ("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (42006, 41988, 41989, 41990, 41991, 41992, 41993, 41994, 41996, 41997, 41998, 41999, 42000, 42001, 42003, 42004, 42005, 42007, 42008, 42009, 42010, 42011, 42012, 42013, 42014, 42015, 42016, 42018, 42019, 42021, 42022, 42023, 42024, 42025, 42026, 42027, 42028)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 06:07:12 Duration: 156ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE ("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41460, 41283, 41284, 41286, 41290, 41295, 41303, 41309, 41314, 41352, 41355, 41359, 41382, 41386, 41393, 41396, 41399, 41409, 41420, 41423, 41430, 41449, 41452, 41471, 41484, 41488, 41491, 41508, 41513, 41518, 41523, 41531, 41536, 41537, 41543, 41556, 41558, 41559, 41568, 41578)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 03:42:40 Duration: 155ms
SELECT "account_move".id FROM "account_move" WHERE ("account_move"."edi_810_id" in (41040, 41036, 41043, 41051, 41060, 41065, 41066, 41072, 41081, 41084, 41088, 41093, 41094, 41103, 41106, 41113, 41114, 41122, 41123, 41133, 41144, 41145, 41150, 41159, 41188, 41193, 41206, 41207, 41208, 41220, 41222, 41227, 41229, 41236, 41245, 41263, 41268, 41269, 41271, 41272)) ORDER BY "account_move"."invoice_date_due";
Date: 2023-12-10 07:36:16 Duration: 144ms
19 54 22s964ms 404ms 476ms 425ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #19
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 54 22s964ms 425ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:23 Duration: 476ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:32:52 Duration: 463ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:59 Duration: 463ms
20 47 17s643ms 329ms 506ms 375ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...)) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #20
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 47 17s643ms 375ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:49 Duration: 506ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46, 45))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46, 45)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:33:28 Duration: 483ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (39, 38))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (39, 38)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:38:02 Duration: 476ms
Normalized slowest queries (N)
Rank Min duration Max duration Avg duration Times executed Total duration Query 1 3m47s 3m47s 3m47s 1 3m47s copy public.mail_tracking_value (id, field, field_desc, field_type, old_value_integer, old_value_float, old_value_monetary, old_value_char, old_value_text, old_value_datetime, new_value_integer, new_value_float, new_value_monetary, new_value_char, new_value_text, new_value_datetime, mail_message_id, tracking_sequence, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #1
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 3m47s 3m47s -
COPY public.mail_tracking_value (id, field, field_desc, field_type, old_value_integer, old_value_float, old_value_monetary, old_value_char, old_value_text, old_value_datetime, new_value_integer, new_value_float, new_value_monetary, new_value_char, new_value_text, new_value_datetime, mail_message_id, tracking_sequence, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:08:15 Duration: 3m47s
2 1m33s 1m33s 1m33s 1 1m33s copy public.item_list_line (id, item_demand_plan_id, product_id, selling_branch, product_uom_qty, invoice_date, warehouse_id, method, inventory_vendor_id, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, active, min_product_len_1, min_product_len_2, min_baseline_size, seasonal_period, supercede_product_id, superceded, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, message_main_attachment_id, access_token, ref_id, ref) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #2
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 1m33s 1m33s -
COPY public.item_list_line (id, item_demand_plan_id, product_id, selling_branch, product_uom_qty, invoice_date, warehouse_id, method, inventory_vendor_id, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, active, min_product_len_1, min_product_len_2, min_baseline_size, seasonal_period, supercede_product_id, superceded, campaign_id, source_id, medium_id, message_main_attachment_id, access_token, ref_id, ref) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:02:55 Duration: 1m33s
3 1m26s 1m26s 1m26s 1 1m26s copy public.mail_message (id, subject, date, body, parent_id, model, res_id, record_name, message_type, subtype_id, mail_activity_type_id, is_internal, email_from, author_id, no_auto_thread, message_id, reply_to, mail_server_id, moderation_status, moderator_id, email_layout_xmlid, add_sign, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, email_cc, email_bcc, email_to, ks_email_cc_string, ks_email_bcc_string, ks_cc_partners, ks_bcc_partners) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #3
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 1m26s 1m26s -
COPY public.mail_message (id, subject, date, body, parent_id, model, res_id, record_name, message_type, subtype_id, mail_activity_type_id, is_internal, email_from, author_id, no_auto_thread, message_id, reply_to, mail_server_id, moderation_status, moderator_id, email_layout_xmlid, add_sign, create_uid, create_date, write_uid, write_date, email_cc, email_bcc, email_to, ks_email_cc_string, ks_email_bcc_string, ks_cc_partners, ks_bcc_partners) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:04:28 Duration: 1m26s
4 52s721ms 52s721ms 52s721ms 1 52s721ms copy public.website_visitor (id, name, access_token, active, website_id, partner_id, country_id, lang_id, timezone, visit_count, create_date, last_connection_datetime, create_uid, write_uid, write_date) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #4
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 52s721ms 52s721ms -
COPY public.website_visitor (id, name, access_token, active, website_id, partner_id, country_id, lang_id, timezone, visit_count, create_date, last_connection_datetime, create_uid, write_uid, write_date) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:11:32 Duration: 52s721ms
5 33s547ms 33s547ms 33s547ms 1 33s547ms copy public.website_track (id, visitor_id, page_id, url, visit_datetime, product_id) to stdout;Times Reported Time consuming queries #5
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 1 33s547ms 33s547ms -
COPY public.website_track (id, visitor_id, page_id, url, visit_datetime, product_id) TO stdout;
Date: 2023-12-10 09:10:39 Duration: 33s547ms
6 1s261ms 48s520ms 9s854ms 27 4m26s delete from account_move_line where id in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #6
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 5 35s491ms 7s98ms 06 10 1m48s 10s814ms 07 6 38s10ms 6s335ms 08 1 48s520ms 48s520ms 23 5 35s901ms 7s180ms -
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3718724, 3718725, 3718726, 3718727, 3718728, 3718729, 3718730, 3718731, 3718732, 3718733, 3718734, 3718735, 3718736, 3718737, 3718738, 3718739, 3718740, 3718741, 3718742, 3718743, 3718744, 3718745, 3718746, 3718747, 3718748, 3718749, 3718750, 3718751, 3718752, 3718753, 3718754, 3718755, 3718756, 3718757, 3768469, 3768470, 3770264, 3770265);
Date: 2023-12-10 08:01:07 Duration: 48s520ms
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3728671, 3728672, 3728673, 3728674, 3728675, 3728676, 3728677, 3728678, 3728679, 3728680, 3728681, 3728682, 3728683, 3728684, 3728685, 3728686, 3728687, 3728688, 3728689, 3728690, 3728691, 3728692, 3728693, 3728694, 3746145, 3746146);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:02:35 Duration: 33s100ms
DELETE FROM account_move_line WHERE id IN (3759670, 3759671, 3759672, 3759673, 3759674, 3759675, 3759676, 3759677, 3759678, 3759679, 3759680, 3759681, 3759682, 3759683, 3759684, 3759685, 3759686, 3759687);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:01:27 Duration: 22s866ms
7 1s314ms 3s990ms 1s707ms 26 44s402ms delete from account_move where id in (...);Times Reported Time consuming queries #7
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 03 5 6s615ms 1s323ms 06 9 18s956ms 2s106ms 07 6 8s65ms 1s344ms 08 1 3s990ms 3s990ms 23 5 6s773ms 1s354ms -
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1055066, 1070771, 1071259);
Date: 2023-12-10 08:01:11 Duration: 3s990ms
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1066459, 1071411);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:06:53 Duration: 2s771ms
DELETE FROM account_move WHERE id IN (1058572, 1063619);
Date: 2023-12-10 06:02:38 Duration: 2s729ms
8 602ms 740ms 629ms 137 1m26s select product_product.id from "product_product" left join "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" on ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") left join "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" on ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = ? and "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != ?) where ((("product_product"."active" = true) and (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent (?)) or (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent (?))) or unaccent (coalesce("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent (?))) and ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" is not null and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) and (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (...)) or "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" is null) order by product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;Times Reported Time consuming queries #8
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 13 3 1s892ms 630ms 17 102 1m4s 630ms 18 32 20s112ms 628ms -
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%240sfl%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%240sfl%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:33:36 Duration: 740ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%6368%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%6368%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:50:36 Duration: 672ms
SELECT product_product.id FROM "product_product" LEFT JOIN "product_template" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id" ON ("product_product"."product_tmpl_id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id") LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name" ON ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."id" = "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."res_id" AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value" != '') WHERE ((("product_product"."active" = true) AND (((unaccent ("product_product"."condensed_internal_ref"::text) ilike unaccent ('%%4413909%%')) OR (unaccent ("product_product"."default_code"::text) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) OR unaccent (COALESCE("product_product__product_tmpl_id__name"."value", "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."name")) ilike unaccent ('%441-3-909%'))) AND ("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" IS NOT NULL and "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."sale_ok" != false)) AND (("product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" in (1)) OR "product_product__product_tmpl_id"."company_id" IS NULL) ORDER BY product_product.default_code, product_product.condensed_internal_ref;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:02:20 Duration: 671ms
9 401ms 697ms 444ms 106 47s94ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...)) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #9
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 106 47s94ms 444ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-12-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (43, 56)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:50:19 Duration: 697ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 39)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:37:23 Duration: 542ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-10-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 15) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (40, 41)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:18:29 Duration: 535ms
10 404ms 476ms 425ms 54 22s964ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #10
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 54 22s964ms 425ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:23 Duration: 476ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:32:52 Duration: 463ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:59 Duration: 463ms
11 324ms 527ms 419ms 159 1m6s select ? as period_index, count(distinct account_move_line.account_id) as count_rows, coalesce(sum(round(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...));Times Reported Time consuming queries #11
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 159 1m6s 419ms -
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:17 Duration: 527ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (36));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:42:14 Duration: 519ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:48 Duration: 505ms
12 324ms 476ms 402ms 81 32s620ms select ? as period_index, count(distinct account_move_line.account_id) as count_rows, coalesce(sum(round(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...)));Times Reported Time consuming queries #12
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 81 32s620ms 402ms -
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:32:51 Duration: 476ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:21 Duration: 468ms
SELECT 0 AS period_index, COUNT(DISTINCT account_move_line.account_id) AS count_rows, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 17) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1)));
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:58 Duration: 462ms
13 329ms 506ms 375ms 47 17s643ms select account_move_line.account_id, ? as period_index, coalesce(sum(round(? * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), ?.?) as balance from "account_move_line" left join "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" on ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") join ( values (?, ?.?, ?)) as currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) on currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id where ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in (...)) or "account_move_line"."display_type" is null) and (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != ?) or "account_move_line__move_id"."state" is null)) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."date" <= ?)) and (("account_move_line"."date" >= ?) or ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( select "account_account_type".id from "account_account_type" where ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...))))))) and ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = ?)) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( select "account_account".id from "account_account" where ("account_account"."user_type_id" = ?) and ("account_account"."company_id" is null or ("account_account"."company_id" in (...)))))) and ("account_move_line"."company_id" is null or ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (...))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (...)) group by account_move_line.account_id;Times Reported Time consuming queries #13
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 15 47 17s643ms 375ms -
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (48, 46)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:29:49 Duration: 506ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46, 45))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (46, 45)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:33:28 Duration: 483ms
SELECT account_move_line.account_id, 0 AS period_index, COALESCE(SUM(ROUND(- 1 * account_move_line.balance * currency_table.rate, currency_table.precision)), 0.0) AS balance FROM "account_move_line" LEFT JOIN "account_move" AS "account_move_line__move_id" ON ("account_move_line"."move_id" = "account_move_line__move_id"."id") JOIN ( VALUES (1, 1.0, 2)) AS currency_table (company_id, rate, precision) ON currency_table.company_id = account_move_line.company_id WHERE ((((((((("account_move_line"."display_type" not in ('line_section', 'line_note')) OR "account_move_line"."display_type" IS NULL) AND (("account_move_line__move_id"."state" != 'cancel') OR "account_move_line__move_id"."state" IS NULL)) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" = 1)) AND ("account_move_line"."date" <= '2023-10-31')) AND (("account_move_line"."date" >= '2023-01-01') OR ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" in ( SELECT "account_account_type".id FROM "account_account_type" WHERE ("account_account_type"."include_initial_balance" = true))) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1))))))) AND ("account_move_line__move_id"."state" = 'posted')) AND ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (39, 38))) AND ("account_move_line"."account_id" in ( SELECT "account_account".id FROM "account_account" WHERE ("account_account"."user_type_id" = 13) AND ("account_account"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_account"."company_id" in (1)))))) AND ("account_move_line"."company_id" IS NULL OR ("account_move_line"."company_id" in (1))) and ("account_move_line"."branch_id" in (39, 38)) GROUP BY account_move_line.account_id;
Date: 2023-12-10 15:38:02 Duration: 476ms
14 321ms 400ms 332ms 482 2m40s select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pt.min_product_uom_qty > ? and pwi.stocking_flag = true and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) <= ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, abs(((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < ? and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.never_stock, false) = true and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false union all select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = false and pwi.stocking_flag = true and coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?) > ? and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - (coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, ?))) < ? and pt.discontinued = false and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ? and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false;Times Reported Time consuming queries #14
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 1m18s 332ms 11 247 1m22s 333ms -
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 35 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2947 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:13:21 Duration: 400ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 43 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2955 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:53:32 Duration: 394ms
select pwi.product_id, pt.min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pt.min_product_uom_qty > 0 and pwi.stocking_flag = True and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) <= 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, abs(((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0))) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < 0 and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.never_stock, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False UNION ALL select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) as min_product_uom_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where pt.is_core = False and pwi.stocking_flag = True and COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0) > 0 and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - (COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_perm_order, 0))) < 0 and pt.discontinued = False and pwi.warehouse_id = 36 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3029 and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:46:48 Duration: 385ms
15 298ms 598ms 307ms 5,243 26m51s select "ir_attachment".id from "ir_attachment" where (("ir_attachment"."res_field" is null and (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))) and (not ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent (?))))) order by "ir_attachment"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #15
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 481 2m26s 304ms 01 123 37s385ms 303ms 08 485 2m28s 306ms 09 491 2m31s 308ms 10 433 2m13s 308ms 11 509 2m39s 312ms 12 180 54s719ms 303ms 13 73 22s384ms 306ms 14 6 1s825ms 304ms 15 1 300ms 300ms 17 513 2m37s 306ms 18 681 3m28s 306ms 19 183 56s356ms 307ms 20 134 41s161ms 307ms 21 327 1m40s 308ms 22 286 1m27s 306ms 23 337 1m43s 308ms -
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 598ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-f34fa30/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:10:00 Duration: 553ms
SELECT "ir_attachment".id FROM "ir_attachment" WHERE (("ir_attachment"."res_field" IS NULL AND (unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-%/web.assets_common.css'))) AND (NOT ((unaccent ("ir_attachment"."url"::text) like unaccent ('/web/content/%-a54df00/%%%'))))) ORDER BY "ir_attachment"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:11:29 Duration: 504ms
16 271ms 387ms 280ms 870 4m4s select "product_template".id from "product_template" left join "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" on ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" and "product_template__name"."type" = ? and "product_template__name"."name" = ? and "product_template__name"."lang" = ? and "product_template__name"."value" != ?) where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, coalesce("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") asc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #16
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 09 6 1s749ms 291ms 14 45 12s430ms 276ms 15 75 20s805ms 277ms 16 15 4s156ms 277ms 17 96 26s796ms 279ms 18 102 28s460ms 279ms 19 81 22s589ms 278ms 20 111 31s229ms 281ms 21 108 30s529ms 282ms 22 108 30s403ms 281ms 23 123 34s865ms 283ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:31:02 Duration: 387ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 18:45:12 Duration: 337ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") ASC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:07:47 Duration: 333ms
17 270ms 318ms 278ms 102 28s445ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" left join "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" on ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" and "product_template__name"."type" = ? and "product_template__name"."name" = ? and "product_template__name"."lang" = ? and "product_template__name"."value" != ?) where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, coalesce("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") desc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #17
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 17 45 12s455ms 276ms 18 3 822ms 274ms 22 3 878ms 292ms 23 51 14s289ms 280ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:14:56 Duration: 318ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 23:24:14 Duration: 316ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" LEFT JOIN "ir_translation" AS "product_template__name" ON ("product_template"."id" = "product_template__name"."res_id" AND "product_template__name"."type" = 'model' AND "product_template__name"."name" = 'product.template,name' AND "product_template__name"."lang" = 'en_US' AND "product_template__name"."value" != '') WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, COALESCE("product_template__name"."value", "product_template"."name") DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 22:59:29 Duration: 302ms
18 120ms 356ms 217ms 871 3m9s select "bus_bus".id from "bus_bus" where (("bus_bus"."create_date" > ?) and ("bus_bus"."channel" in (...))) order by "bus_bus"."id";Times Reported Time consuming queries #18
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 00 29 6s368ms 219ms 01 14 3s225ms 230ms 02 53 12s243ms 231ms 03 7 1s563ms 223ms 04 41 9s682ms 236ms 05 28 6s316ms 225ms 06 21 4s747ms 226ms 07 58 12s912ms 222ms 08 44 9s581ms 217ms 09 46 10s22ms 217ms 10 66 13s630ms 206ms 11 37 7s401ms 200ms 12 15 3s488ms 232ms 13 19 4s110ms 216ms 14 43 9s365ms 217ms 15 17 3s920ms 230ms 16 48 10s953ms 228ms 17 36 8s5ms 222ms 18 40 7s794ms 194ms 19 10 2s212ms 221ms 20 61 13s999ms 229ms 21 29 6s593ms 227ms 22 40 8s624ms 215ms 23 69 12s841ms 186ms -
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1017"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",19555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",36]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",41]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",42]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",503]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",515]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",563]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",574]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",19555]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",19555]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 356ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 02:39:39') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_1238"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",51507]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",529]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",51507]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",51507]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 02:40:29 Duration: 355ms
SELECT "bus_bus".id FROM "bus_bus" WHERE (("bus_bus"."create_date" > '2023-12-10 04:15:04') AND ("bus_bus"."channel" in ('"bundle_changed"', '"notify_branch_changed_11"', '["pointspring_master","calendar.alarm",14]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",16]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",348]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",349]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",350]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",351]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",352]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",354]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",355]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",356]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",357]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",358]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",362]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",363]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",364]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",365]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",366]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",367]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",368]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",370]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",371]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",372]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",373]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",374]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",375]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",377]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",378]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",379]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",380]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",381]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",382]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",383]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",384]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",385]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",386]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",387]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",388]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",389]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",390]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",391]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",392]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",393]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",394]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",395]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",396]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",397]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",398]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",399]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",400]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",401]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",402]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",403]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",404]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",405]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",406]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",407]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",408]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",409]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",410]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",411]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",412]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",413]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",414]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",415]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",418]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",423]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",426]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",427]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",428]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",429]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",434]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",456]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",462]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",467]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",474]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",477]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",478]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",481]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",486]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",510]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",524]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",538]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",540]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",543]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",544]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",552]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",555]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",556]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",564]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",565]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",566]', '["pointspring_master","mail.channel",579]', '["pointspring_master","res.partner",14]', '["pointspring_master","ir.needaction",14]'))) ORDER BY "bus_bus"."id";
Date: 2023-12-10 04:15:55 Duration: 352ms
19 200ms 249ms 204ms 75 15s315ms select "product_template".id from "product_template" where (("product_template"."active" = true) and (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) and (("product_template"."website_id" in (...)) or "product_template"."website_id" is null))) order by coalesce("product_template"."is_published", false) desc, "product_template"."list_price" desc, "product_template"."id" desc;Times Reported Time consuming queries #19
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 16 12 2s436ms 203ms 17 21 4s289ms 204ms 18 18 3s655ms 203ms 19 18 3s703ms 205ms 20 6 1s230ms 205ms -
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 19:25:24 Duration: 249ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:49:36 Duration: 224ms
SELECT "product_template".id FROM "product_template" WHERE (("product_template"."active" = true) AND (("product_template"."sale_ok" = true) AND (("product_template"."website_id" in (1)) OR "product_template"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY COALESCE("product_template"."is_published", false) DESC, "product_template"."list_price" DESC, "product_template"."id" DESC;
Date: 2023-12-10 17:20:02 Duration: 218ms
20 143ms 221ms 161ms 482 1m18s select pwi.product_id, coalesce(pwi.lead_days, ?), coalesce(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, ?) as min_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) as max_qty, coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) - ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi left join product_product as pp on pwi.product_id = pp.id left join product_template as pt on pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where coalesce(pt.is_core, false) = false and coalesce(pwi.stocking_flag, false) = true and coalesce(pt.discontinued, false) = false and coalesce(pt.superceded, false) = false and coalesce(pt.obsolete, false) = false and ((coalesce(pwi.qty_available, ?) + coalesce(pwi.qty_on_order, ?)) - coalesce(pwi.qty_reserve, ?)) < coalesce(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, ?) and pwi.warehouse_id = ? and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = ?;Times Reported Time consuming queries #20
Day Hour Count Duration Avg duration Dec 10 10 235 38s199ms 162ms 11 247 39s875ms 161ms -
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 38 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3019;
Date: 2023-12-10 10:51:27 Duration: 221ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 2994;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:13 Duration: 198ms
select pwi.product_id, COALESCE(pwi.lead_days, 7), COALESCE(pwi.min_product_uom_qty, 0) as min_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) as max_qty, COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) - ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) as need_qty from product_warehouse_inventory pwi LEFT JOIN product_product as pp ON pwi.product_id = pp.id LEFT JOIN product_template as pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id where COALESCE(pt.is_core, False) = False and COALESCE(pwi.stocking_flag, False) = True and COALESCE(pt.discontinued, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.superceded, False) = False and COALESCE(pt.obsolete, False) = False and ((COALESCE(pwi.qty_available, 0) + COALESCE(pwi.qty_on_order, 0)) - COALESCE(pwi.qty_reserve, 0)) < COALESCE(pwi.max_product_uom_qty, 0) and pwi.warehouse_id = 46 and pwi.inventory_vendor_id = 3046;
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:11 Duration: 195ms
Time consuming prepare
Rank Total duration Times executed Min duration Max duration Avg duration Query NO DATASET
Time consuming bind
Rank Total duration Times executed Min duration Max duration Avg duration Query NO DATASET
Log levels
Key values
- 15,425 Log entries
Events distribution
Key values
- 0 PANIC entries
- 0 FATAL entries
- 1924 ERROR entries
- 0 WARNING entries
Most Frequent Errors/Events
Key values
- 1,001 Max number of times the same event was reported
- 1,924 Total events found
Rank Times reported Error 1 1,001 ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
Times Reported Most Frequent Error / Event #1
Day Hour Count Dec 10 00 90 01 19 04 1 06 1 08 75 09 52 10 56 11 88 12 45 13 15 14 3 17 125 18 148 19 42 20 27 21 85 22 56 23 73 - ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
Statement: DELETE FROM ir_attachment WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM ir_attachment WHERE id in (3949483) FOR NO KEY UPDATE SKIP LOCKED )
Date: 2023-12-10 11:04:28
2 905 ERROR: could not obtain lock on row in relation "..."
Times Reported Most Frequent Error / Event #2
Day Hour Count Dec 10 00 20 01 21 02 20 03 29 04 19 05 26 06 44 07 86 08 24 09 22 10 172 11 161 12 19 13 19 14 26 15 17 16 21 17 20 18 19 19 23 20 19 21 24 22 17 23 37 - ERROR: could not obtain lock on row in relation "ir_cron"
Statement: SELECT * FROM ir_cron WHERE numbercall != 0 AND active AND nextcall <= (now() at time zone 'UTC') AND id=81 FOR UPDATE NOWAIT
Date: 2023-12-10 10:50:06
3 18 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Times Reported Most Frequent Error / Event #3
Day Hour Count Dec 10 00 3 01 1 08 5 11 2 12 1 17 2 18 1 20 1 21 1 23 1 - ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Statement: SELECT "ir_ui_view".id FROM "ir_ui_view" LEFT JOIN "website" AS "ir_ui_view__website_id" ON ("ir_ui_view"."website_id" = "ir_ui_view__website_id"."id") WHERE (("ir_ui_view"."active" = true) AND (("ir_ui_view"."key" = 'http_routing.http_error') AND (("ir_ui_view"."website_id" in (1)) OR "ir_ui_view"."website_id" IS NULL))) ORDER BY "ir_ui_view__website_id"."id" LIMIT 1
Date: 2023-12-10 11:50:09